Wales Golf as urged to golfers to observe the new restrictions on playing which come into force from Monday. Travel must stay within five miles the Welsh Government has ruled.
WALES Golf has encouraged clubs and members to stick within the new rules of play announced by the Welsh Government – due to come into force from Monday.
The changes will allow members of two households to play together – at the discretion of the golf club.
Single players can still play, but also two, three and fourballs will be allowed, as long as they are from a maximum of two households, in any combination.
Physical distancing guidelines and industry guidelines must be adhered to before, during and after the round.
Wales Golf urge all golfers to stick to the Welsh Government travel guidelines, which require local travel only – up to five miles.
Players can travel from England to play on Welsh courses, as long as they obey the local travel rules on entering Wales – which allow unlimited travel for journeys related to exercising.
Coaches: Follow PGA COVID-19 rules
COACHING by a PGA professional will be allowed outdoors and with appropriate social distancing.
It is recommended PGA professionals complete a comprehensive risk assessment and refer to coaching guidelines on the PGA COVID-19 Resource Hub.
Some outdoor driving ranges may be able to open, but all such facilities will need to work with relevant authorities and conduct a full risk assessment.
Golf retail shops are currently not on the Welsh Government list of premises that can open for retail purposes.
Therefore, they must remain closed. Golf retailers are encouraged to prepare over the next three weeks ahead of the next review.
Essential access to a building such as a professional shop for clubs that operate a booking system to regulate tee times, registration, and take payment, is permissible – provided appropriate social distancing precautionary measures are put in place.
Further information from Wales Golf along with club guidance can be found clicking here.
More detailed information has been sent directly to clubs, who were told to close by Wales Golf on March 23 – when the UK Government introduced the lockdown to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Wales Golf chief thanks golfers for efforts
WALES Golf chief executive Richard Dixon said: “We would like to thank all those golfers, volunteers, club officials and staff who have worked so hard to ensure the return to play has gone smoothly so far.
“The Welsh Government rules have been loosened slightly to allow players from two households to play together, but all the R&A protocols of play and Welsh Government guidance still apply.
“We would urge golfers to check if they can play within the Welsh Government travel guidelines, to abide by the new rules when they come into practice on Monday and maintain a safe approach.”