The Leicestershire Golf Club
All golf clubs believe they have the greatest greens and the warmest welcome in their county (although we really do), but not all clubs give you a great experience and leave you belonging to a community.
At The Leicestershire Golf Club, our staff put their heart and soul into creating the best possible experience for both our members and visitors. From fresh, local foods catering to all your needs, to a wide range of refreshments at the bar.
We thrive off giving a personal touch to make you feel at home.
You may not know it yet, but we really are the best. You’ll have to come and see for yourself.
Book your golf society for a Thursday in 2019 between 11am – 3pm to get the special price of £26 per person to
include a Bacon Roll and Coffee on arrival, followed by 18 holes, saving £9 per person! Simply quote the code 1890
when booking to qualify.
The Leicestershire Golf Club
Evington Lane
T: 01162 738825
Twitter @LeicestershireGolfC
Facebook /theleicestershire
Instagram @TheLeicestershireGolfClub